Anchoring Hope in the Almighty


Life is a journey filled with tests, challenges, and unforeseen changes. In each of these trials, we often find ourselves reflecting, taking deep breaths, and praying for our hopes to be realized.

We live in a world filled with complexity, uncertainty, and difficulties. However, in the darkness of adversity, faith is the light that continues to guide us.


Faith in Everyday Practice

Faith is the foundational element that enables us to face all that surrounds us, often marked by signals of hardship. When everything appears difficult or impossible, faith is what keeps us standing strong.

It is the belief that God, the All-Powerful, will provide a way out of every problem we encounter. In Islam, faith is at the core of one's relationship with God.

The holy Quran teaches us to always put our trust in Him and believe that He is the Almighty who can grant every request.

In Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 286, Allah says, "God does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear."


Raising Prayers and Seeking Guidance

In every step of our lives, we must not forget to raise prayers and seek guidance. Prayer is our personal form of communication with God.

It's when we can speak directly to Him, conveying our feelings, desires, and doubts.

Prayer is how we express our hopes to Him. When we pray, we shouldn't just ask for worldly things we desire but also seek guidance, wisdom, and strength to face obstacles.

Prayer is a moment of introspection, where we can reflect on our life's purpose and what truly matters to us.

When we pray in difficult times, we tell God that we rely on Him. We acknowledge that we are frail creatures, and He is the All-Powerful Creator.

Prayer is an expression of our humility and recognition that we cannot overcome everything without His help.


Facing Hardships with Resilience

When facing difficulties, faith is what makes us resilient. It is the belief that even though everything around us may not appear as we desire, God has a better plan for us.

It's the conviction that every test He provides is an opportunity for growth, learning, and drawing closer to Him.

The history of the Islamic faith is filled with examples of people who faced trials and difficulties with unwavering faith.

Prophet Abraham, for instance, was tested with the command to sacrifice his own son, but his faith never wavered. He knew that God is the Ultimate Planner of all things and that He would provide a way out.


Acting with Conviction

In addition to prayer, one crucial aspect of faith is tawakal.

Tawakal is the complete trust in Allah and acting with the conviction that He will guide our steps.

This doesn't mean we sit idly and wait for miracles to happen, but rather doing our best while believing that the ultimate outcome is in Allah's hands.

In many cases, when we act with tawakal, we'll find that everything unfolds better than we planned. This is how Allah shows us that He hears our prayers and that He is the Almighty.

Tawakal helps us let go of anxiety and worries because we know we're not alone in this journey.


Conclusion: Anchoring Faith in the Almighty

In every moment of life, we must remind ourselves that we anchor our faith in the Almighty.

Allah is the Creator, the Giver, and the Arranger.

Faith is what enables us to live with peace and certainty, even when everything around us seems difficult or impossible.

We should continue to raise our prayers and put our trust in Him when facing hardships.

Never forget that Allah is the Almighty who can grant every request.

Faith is the light that will guide us through the darkness of life, leading us to a way out and greater happiness.

So, in times of difficulty, let us remind ourselves of the strength of our faith.

With strong faith, we can face any impossibility with determination and the belief that Allah is the Almighty, ready to provide a way out for us. Believe…!




Sumampir, The trees dance beneath the evening sun, celebrating life.

Tuesday, 25 Rabiul Awal 1445H/10 October 2023 M

by: Panewu Tunggul Alam

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